Hope it will help.Īnd as we build (knownably) stories, let me tell you to finish this already extense letter, that had you droped by to my site (from june to december and followed the nexus, in the correspondant link with wished references at the right of my blog, instead of “anecdote” you had found “meteorito”… as I renamed yours a while, to denote its impacts. Besides, “old-child”, as it has been said, remakes the image of complementary opposites Ying-Yang, in the central symbolic component of the Tai Qi. Only for extension -and the trascendental values associated to purity, innocence and spontaneity-, Zi is coined in chinese to name philosophers and therefore, masters. Let me mention to you here, the there present translation of Lao Zi as “old master”, which being someway exact,lacks meaning (perhaps from a taoist point of view), cause in chinese Lao is old, as Zi is child. Three: the wiki site on reference is worth to colaborate and surely needs it. Being contemporary of Confucius (and resounding with greek philosophical achievements.), five centuries BC, is recognized as the best posible historical aproximation. Two: “circa 700 BC”, seems inapropriate to date Lao Zi.

Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like. Don't resist them that only creates sorrow.
Nevertheless -so many translations and still more reintepretations, should call to prudence-, I´d rather suscribe the opinion that this is completly true, just for the third verse. Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching tags: wisdom 4957 likes Like Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. It seems in deed that the quote you post, come from the Tao Te Ching. Regardless of the virtual potential of the settled idea, I would like to colaborate in the in-media-cy (“any ideas?”), with these remarks I hope could be of interest.

Mark Coker Make a written list of everything you love. Authors should have the freedom to publish legal fiction, and readers should have the freedom to read what they want. Old taoist and scholar myself, something eco in your words. Top Tao Te Ching Leadership Quotes All writers and their readers should stand up and voice their opposition to financial services companies censoring books. About half a year being touched by the expresion of your work, allows me to write a short commentary on your most interesting last issue.Īs a matter of fact, the call to resignify taoism in our policy landscapes, seems to be the setting of a complete field of new research.